Parker, Colorado
Be Prepared.
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Past Events
2024 Events
Event: Colorado Jamboree
Where: McNeil Scout Ranch
When: September 27, 2024 to September 29, 2024
Colorado Jamboree is a territory-wide jamboree held at McNeil Scout Ranch. From adventure sports to shooting sports to ziplining and more, the event is a Scout’s dream playground. And you can’t forget the arena show & laser show, shooting sports, water obstacle course, highland games, ziplining, STEM, climbing, Spartan Sprint/Tough Mudder course, ninja warrior, patch trading and so much more!
This is an event unlike any other in our council. Something expensive, exciting, and new for all of our Scouts and Scouters to experience that simulates the National Jamboree experience here in the Greater Colorado Council!
Event: 14er Hike
Where: Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln, Brosas
When: Friday August 9, 2024 to Sunday August 11, 2024
Scouts will be hiking 14ers and camping
Event: Summer Camp
Where: Camp Alexander
When: Friday July 7, 2024 to Sunday July 13 2024
This year Troop 88 will be staying in Colorado and enjoying summer camp at Camp Alexander. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on a large selection of merit badges while enjoying traditional summer camp events.
Learn More About Camp Alexander
Event: Parker Day Fundraiser
Where: H2O'Brien Park
When: Friday June 14, 2024 to Sunday June 16, 2024
Time to sign up and help work at the Soda/ Beverage booths.
Fun and exciting times and scouts can earn some money for their scout account to help pay for camping trips during the year
Event: Lost Creek Backpacking
Where: Goose Creek
When: Friday May 24, 2024 - Monday May 27, 2024
More information to follow
Event: New Scout Camp Out
Where: TDB
When: Friday May 17,2024 to Sunday May 19, 2024
More information to follow
Event: Sand Dunes National Park - Backpacking
Where: Great Sand Dunes Oasis Campground and Backpacking on the Dunes
When: Friday April 26, 2024 to Sunday April 28, 2024
Troop 88 will have a group of scouts backpacking on the Sand Dunes for one night, then they will meet the rest of the Troop back at the Oasis Campground for the next night of camping.
2023 Events
Event: Scout Summer Camp
Where: Melita Island, Montana
When: July 22, 2023 6:30am to July 30, 2023 8pm
This year Troop 88 is traveling to Melita Island for our Scout Summer Camp. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on a large selection of merit badges while enjoying traditional summer camp events.
Event: High Adventure 2023 Backpacking
Where: Colorado Trail Sections 8,9,&10 Starting in Leadville, ending in Copper Mountain
When: June 24, 2023 @ 5am to July 01, 2023 @ 11am
This summer, Troop 88 will be having another High Adventure Trip! This time we will be doing a high mileage backpacking trip on the Colorado Trail. We want to stress that this will be a difficult adventure, not only physically difficult but mentally; but well worth the effort and the memories. That being said, to ensure the safety of all, in order for the boys to go alone, they must be 14 by the time of the trip or for those younger scouts they must have the rank of 1st Class and have a parent go with them. We will also be conducting trainings to prepare for the trip - the boys and parents must also prepare on their own.
Some of the merit badges that can be earned on this trip are:
Fishing/Fly Fishing
Wilderness Survival
Event: Parker Days Fundraiser
Where: H2O'Brien Park
When: June 09, 2023 @ 4pm - 10:30pm, June 10, 2023 @ 10am - 10:30pm, June 11 @ 10am - 8:30pm
Event: Troop Elections & Court of Honor
Where: Parker Library Event Hall B
When: June 06, 2023
We will be having Troop elections so please come prepared for the position you wish to apply for. This includes having a small speech for why you want the position and wearing proper uniform.
Event: Lost Creek Backpacking Trip (High Adventure Training)
Where: Kenosha Pass
When: May 26, 2023 @ 0700 to May 29, 2023 @ 2pm (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Event: Glen Aspen Campout (New Scout Campout)
Where: 11050 Loy Creek Rd
When: May 19, 2023 @5pm to May 21, 2023 @ 10am (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
We will be camping at Glen Aspen Scout Ranch, which is close to Woodland Park. Scouts will be working on rank requirements. We are limited to 20 people for this campout. Please RSVP by 5/16 for this event through Scoutbook
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2022 Events
Event: Cub Scout Pack 396 Raingutter Regatta
Where: TBD
When: Oct 8, 2022, 8am - 2pm (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Cub Scout Pack 396 in Parker has asked for some volunteers to help with a flag ceremony and to help judge their Raingutter Regatta. Please RSVP if are able to help. If you are only able to help with part of the time, please leave that in the comment section.
Event: Camp-O-Ree
Where: Camp Tahosa
When: Sep 30, 2022 5pm to Oct 2, 2022 11am (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Camp-O-Ree at Tahosa.
Please join us on Friday - Sunday, September 30 - October 2, 2022 from 5:00 pm on Friday until 11:00 am on Sunday for the District Council Camporee #1 - hosted by the Black Feather and Centennial Districts. The 2022 Black Feather & Centennial Districts’ Camporee is our premier fall camping event featuring Troop Patrols and Venturing Crews competing in Scout skills and fun events.
Our Camporee is a weekend campout for Troops. It is designed to allow Scouts to participate in one of the oldest traditions in the history of Scouting. Patrols will compete in various competitions testing their Scout skills from the ranks of Scout to First Class, as well as other fun, exciting and teamwork focused events.
Join us for the fun, fellowship, and friendly competition! All Black Feather, Centennial District Scout, and all Denver Area Council Webelos and Scout BSA units may register and attend.
Camporee will be held at beautiful Tahosa High Adventure Base, 173 County Road 96, Ward, CO 80481
Cost is:
$25 Each for Scout & Scouter There will be an additional fee for food.
To register you must go to https://denverboyscouts.d...9-01/-1/0/. All scouts and adults that are attending must register through the link. The last day to register is September 25th.
Please check your calendars and plan ahead accordingly. Once you register, plans and supplies are made and purchased just for you. There will be no refunds.
Please RSVP for this event through Scoutbook
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Event: Cub Scout Pack 396 Raingutter Regatta
Where: TBD
When: Oct 8, 2022, 8am - 2pm (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Cub Scout Pack 396 in Parker has asked for some volunteers to help with a flag ceremony and to help judge their Raingutter Regatta. Please RSVP if are able to help. If you are only able to help with part of the time, please leave that in the comment section.
2021 Planned Events
August 13th -15th, 2021 - Organized by by Scout Leader Steve Johnson
Filed under Camping
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Workday: Saturday, August 14th
Meeting location: Mountain Communities Fire Department
Link to map:
Project times: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Volunteers Expected: Up to 50
Great trip with tubing in the South Platte River!
Need to bring:
BSA Med Forms
CUSP Volunteer Release Form
Google Maps Link to Location:
Key Details:
Friday, Aug 13
Leave Parker during the early evening (dinner on your own)
Caravan meets at Hurts Donuts and departs at 5:30PM
Camp on private property in Deckers along the Upper South Platte River (map below)
GPS Coordinates: 39.32559861782696, -105.18478264752243
Saturday, Aug 14
Breakfast (Families responsible for their own food & cooking; individual scouts will be in a Super Patrol - food will be provided)
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Service Project (Description Below)
Scouts responsible for bringing a sack lunch & snacks
Afternoon rest and activities
Dinner (Families responsible for their own food & cooking; individual scouts will be in a Super Patrol - food will be provided)
Campfire Activities
Sunday, Aug 15
Breakfast (Families responsible for their own food & cooking; individual scouts will be in a Super Patrol - food will be provided)
Break camp and return home
Super Patrol
All scouts attending camp without their families will be in a super patrol.
I will provide the following meals:
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Dinner
Sunday Breakfast
Scouts will need to bring:
Friday night dinner (eat before hand or in the car)
Saturday Sack Lunch
Quandary Peak September 25th
District Camporee -
17-19 September (Details when Available)
Parker Oktoberfest 15th-17th
Camping - Pawnee Buttes
November 5th - 7th November (TBD)
Holiday White Elephant
[Past Events]
May and June 2021
Lost Creek Wilderness – East Lost Park - Awesome Trip - (Photos to be published soon)
With Parker Days the following weekend and PV later in the month, this is the best weekend.
I have been into this area once before (with my son on an overnight trip) and it is a fairly easy 3-mile hike in from the Lost Park Trailhead (about a 2-hour drive from Parker) and would be a good “break-in” backpack trip. It is a fairly nice meadow/park with decent brook trout fishing in Lost Creek. The rock formations in the Lost Creek Wilderness are pretty amazing. There are opportunities to explore the area on Saturday before heading back on Sunday.
July Backpack Trip
Buffalo Peaks Wilderness – Buffalo Meadows Loop (Rough & Tumbling Creek Loop)
Friday June 28th to Sunday the 30th
This is about a 11-mile round trip. I have been into this area twice and it is a moderate trip. The first day would be to hike into the Buffalo Meadows and base out of there for the next two (2) nights until returning to the trailhead via the loop trail. There is the opportunity to climb the Buffalo Peaks on the second day. This is one of the best views in the state in my humble opinion with view of South Park, Pikes Peak and the Collegiate Peaks. I found a couple of informational links on this hike.
For more information on these events, please contact Mr. Hudson
Summer Camp 20-26
T88 will be attending Ben Delatour Summer Camp in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado June 20 - 26. This will be an amazing adventure for the boys. They will be camping, completing merit badges, experience patrol-style cooking, have an outpost night of wilderness survival, strengthening their connections as a troop, and have non-stop fun and adventure.
Cost for camp will be $425 per scout (plus any merit badge fees). Full payment due by 1 June 2021. First half deposit due by 31 March 2021.
Each scout will be able to take up to 4 merit badge classes (options listed below).
If your son is interested in attending summer camp please complete the attached survey. If you have any questions of concerns please reach out to Shane Knight at 913-593-6514 or
We are looking for a few adults to attend and support. If you are interested in attending as an adult leader please reach out to me for more information.
** For Scouts New to the Troop: Welcome to Troop 88! We are super excited to have your boys join us. For many scouts, summer camp is by far the best experience in a scout's first year in BSA. They develop a ton of independence, have immeasurable fun, and develop strong bonds with the other scouts in the troop. And, the boys knock out many of the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second and First Class Rank Advancement. It truly is an amazing time for the boys and adults who attend.
To Sign Up for summer camp complete the survey: T88 Summer Camp Sign-Up
Merit Badge Options:
First Aid
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Science
Wilderness Survival
Astronomy/Space Exploration
Citizenship in the World
Fly Fishing
Horsemanship (riding boots required)
Wood Carving
Age Restricted/Recommended Activities:
Rock Climbing (Must be 13)
Archery (recommended 13 or above average arm strength for boys under 13)
Rifle Shooting (recommended 13 or above average arm strength for boys under 13)
Shotgun Shooting (recommended 13 or above average arm strength for boys under 13)
Parker Days! - TBA or Canceled
June 10th - 13th
Yellowstone High Adventure Trip 2021
Troop88 has started to form a leadership group for this outing in July of 2021 (07/24-07/31/2021) and have decided to open this adventure up to families as well. The majority of Troop 88 high adventure trips are only open to scouts that are 13-years-old and 1st class go but this Yellowstone trip will be open to younger scouts if they have parent(s) attend. If you are interested, please let me know so I can add you to the list. We are limited on the group size (maximum of 25) at the Bridge Bay campground…so this will be first come/first served sign-up.
March 2021
1 day tubing/hiking in Frasier 6 March Knight
April 2021
Sand Dunes 16-18 April Hudson
May 2021
New Scout Campout
(See the photo gallery)
January 2020
Conservation service outing 23 January PV, Hudson
Winter camping 19-21 February Cherry Creek
Check out the photos!
Pawnee National Grasslands/Pawnee Buttes
This will be the 2nd weekend in November (November 13-15) for this camping trip/outing. The weather in November can be quite variable but on the trip last year...the weather was decent. If it is a blizzard that weekend, we will not be going but I would like to start to make plans with the optimistic opinion that Mother Nature will be good to us. We camped last year at Crow Valley Campground outside of Briggsdale in the Pawnee National Grasslands and I plan to return there. We will day trip on Saturday to explore Pawnee Buttes which is a roughly 5-mile round trip hike.
The Troop 88 Leadership Committee is proud to invite you and your family to the 2020 Fall Court of Honor on Sunday, September 13 at 12:00 PM.
Friday, September 18th - 20th
Peaceful Valley
The Camporee is open to families so that parents can attend with their scout.
Open to Webelos looking to join Boy Scouts.
Annual 14er Hike
Mountain that we will hike and details to be decided closer to the event.
TBA September 26th or 27th
Quandary or Democate
Details coming soon!
August 21st - 23rd, 2020 by Steve Johnson
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Workday: Saturday, August 21st
Meeting location: Mountain Communities Fire Department
Link to map:
Project times: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Volunteers Expected: Up to 50
Great trip with tubing in the South Platte River!
New Scout Campout
July and it was Awesome!
Peaceful Valley
Backpacking Events
To Be Rescheduled Late July - 2020 by Chris Hudson
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Lost Creek Wilderness – East Lost Park
Friday July 31st - August 2nd
Fairly easy 3-mile hike in from the Lost Park Trailhead (about a 2-hour drive from Parker) and would be a good “break-in” backpack trip. It is a fairly nice meadow/park with decent brook trout fishing in Lost Creek. The rock formations in the Lost Creek Wilderness are pretty amazing. There are opportunities to explore the area on Saturday before heading back on Sunday.
Parker Days!
Canceled - Due to COVID-19
June 11th - 14th
Time to sign up and help work at the Coke and Beverage booths.
Fun and exiting time and scouts can earn some money for their scout account.
Sand Dunes Family Camping Trip
April 24th-28th 2020
Canceled - Due to COVID-19
Campground has been closed for COVID-19 Saftey
Tahosa Campout
Canceled - Due to COVID-19
6/21 – 6/27
Parker 5K Race Flags & Race Cleanup
July 4th - Independence Day!
Parker 4th of July Flags & Race Cleanup
July 16th - 22nd
December 4th at PEPC
Time to plan the activities for 2021
Scouts will sleep overnight at PEPC and watch a movie afterwards.
Older scouts will have training presentations
Troop 88 Holiday Party
It's time to party!,. . . It's party time!
Wrap and bring a gift under $10.
Gift swapping game - not a white elephant gift - not full contact.
Archived Events
Backpacking Events
April 8,by Troop Webmaster
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June Backpack Trip
Lost Creek Wilderness – East Lost Park
Friday June 5th through Sunday June 7th
With Parker Days the following weekend and PV later in the month, this is the best weekend.
I have been into this area once before (with my son on an overnight trip) and it is a fairly easy 3-mile hike in from the Lost Park Trailhead (about a 2-hour drive from Parker) and would be a good “break-in” backpack trip. It is a fairly nice meadow/park with decent brook trout fishing in Lost Creek. The rock formations in the Lost Creek Wilderness are pretty amazing. There are opportunities to explore the area on Saturday before heading back on Sunday.
July Backpack Trip
Buffalo Peaks Wilderness – Buffalo Meadows Loop (Rough & Tumbling Creek Loop)
Friday July 17th through July 19th
This is about a 11-mile round trip. I have been into this area twice and it is a moderate trip. The first day would be to hike into the Buffalo Meadows and base out of there for the next two (2) nights until returning to the trailhead via the loop trail. There is the opportunity to climb the Buffalo Peaks on the second day. This is one of the best views in the state in my humble opinion with view of South Park, Pikes Peak and the Collegiate Peaks. I found a couple of informational links on this hike.
For more information on these events, please contact Mr. Hudson via email or phone at (303) 961-0221.
Conservation Campout
August 8, by Troop Webmaster
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Workday: Saturday, August 23rd
Meeting location: Mountain Communities Fire Department
Link to map:
Project times: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Volunteers Expected: Up to 50
Workday Description:
The Trail Creek work area is part of a major restoration effort to stabilize drainages carrying high sediment loads to the South Platte River. Because of the intensity of the 2002 Hayman fire here, and around the Westcreek community, the soil remains loose and unable to soak up rain. Runoff frequently turns to high-volume floods, damaging roads, downstream creeks and filling reservoirs with sediment. Major in-stream restoration work utilizing natural materials such as burned trees and boulders has helped raise the height of creeks and stabilize steep eroded banks to re-create more natural flows and fight erosion. Retention ponds have also been added to stabilize runoff. These methods have become models for fire restoration throughout Colorado and nationwide. Depending on weather and the progression of work, volunteers will assist the rehab by stabilizing work sites by: re-seeding with native vegetation; planting willows; installing erosion control matting or fabric; and rehabbing illegal off road vehicle routes contributing to the erosion issues.
Important Notes:
CUSP will provide hard hats, tools and materials necessary to complete project work.
Portable restroom(s) will be available on site.
Safety review and work demonstration will precede the project work.
Weather, which could create hazardous conditions, may cause projects to be canceled or rescheduled; we will notify you of changes promptly, changes will also be posted at
Requirements of Volunteers:
All volunteers must complete and submit prior to the project: a CUSP Liability Release, 2014 CUSP RELEASE and a Volunteer Sign-up Sheet, Volunteer Listing 2014 for the group, attached. Please print ALL documents two-sided.
Please Bring:
Any applicable medicines (including epi-pens, insulin and inhalers)
Sun glasses or safety glasses
Work gloves
Work boots with ankle support
Long pants are required; long sleeved shirts are strongly recommended
Water containers, extra water will be provided
Sack lunches, to carry with you
What to Expect:
This burn area is in an exposed mountain environment. Please be aware and prepared for potential hazards, including but not limited to: driving on mountainous roads with loose gravel and high flash flood potential; exposure to sun, wind, lightening and rapidly changing weather conditions; working with sharpened tools in areas with unstable terrain and footing; possible falling trees; and hiking at significant elevation. Medications may have adverse effects in sun, heat or altitude. Please list medications and medical conditions on the CUSP release form so staff may be aware of potential concerns. Know your limitations and inform staff immediately if you become ill or injured. Be prepared to exit quickly in the event of an emergency or changing environmental conditions. Please drink plenty of water prior to and during the project to avoid dehydration. Please wear appropriate clothing; clothing may become stained or ruined. Expectant mothers may want to check with their physician before working in a burn area.
This moderately challenging project and will require team effort.
Please note that cell phone coverage is limited in this area.
GPS units are often inaccurate in this area as well.
Troop 88 14er Hike – Quandry Peak
July 23, by Troop Webmaster
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This is the plan for the Mt. Quandry hike next weekend, August 1-3.
Friday, August 1 – Meet at Park N Ride by McDonald’s at Lincoln and Jordan.
Bring complete medical form, Part A & Part B, (required for a 72hr camp)
Eat before you come or on the road. We will not be stopping.
Camping at Mr. Lutz’s property in Fairplay. There are NO showers or potties, be prepared!
Saturday, August 2 – Wake at 6:00am
Breakfast: Sausage and cheese sandwiches, bananas, juice or milk (yes, coffee)
Trailhead by 7:30am. Scouts will be leading the hike, but we need adults in attendance to hike.
Lunch on the trail: Cold cut sandwiches, apple, water
Nap on return from the hike.
Dinner: Campfire chili, cheese, fritos
Campfire, songs, skits, spooky stories
Sunday, August 3 – Go Home!
Awake, no later 7:30am.
Breakfast: Bagels/cream cheese, bananas or apples, juice
Break camp
Homeward bound
Contact Mrs. Moncier for addition details!
Annual 14er Hike – Mt. Sherman
July 8 by Troop Webmaster
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Our annual 14er hike is getting closer. I hope everyone has been keeping in shape this summer!
This year we will be climbing 14,036′ Mt Sherman near the towns of Fairplay & Alama. The hike will be 5.25 miles RT and 2,100ft of elevation gain. Every 14er is challenging, but this one is one of the “easiest” 14ers. For reference it will be easier than Grays and Torreys that we did last year. For those boys who just can’t get enough summits, there are also two 13er’s nearby that can be climbed in the same hike.
Link to the mt and route we will be taking:
Dates and Times
Depart: Friday August 9th at 5:30pm (Park and Ride Lincoln & Jordan)
Hike: Saturday August 10th Mt Sherman
Return: Sunday August 11th around 12pm.
We will be camping two nights so please bring your normal overnight gear which includes but is not limited to: tent, sleeping bag and pad, toiletry items, bug spray, etc. If you do not wish to camp both nights you are still welcome to hike with us on Saturday, however historically it has been difficult to meet up with the group.
Each year when we hike in this area, Mr. Lutz graciously allows us to camp on his property near Alma. He has extended this offer again. This is primitve camping with no water and no facilities.
Patrols and Meals
We will be having a break out session closer to the hike and divide into patrols to doing meal planning.
Medical Forms
The standard BSA medical form (Parts A & B) for every scout and every adult planning on going are required. As soon as you know you will be going please get me the form.
Adults and Drivers
Adults who can help drive and for “two deep leadership” are needed. Scouts if you ride with an adult (other than your parent), it’s always nice to provide the driver with a little money ($5-$10) for gas.
If you know you will be attending this event please email me now so I can get you on the roster. I am traveling most of the month of July so I will not be at many of the Troop meetings.
What to wear hiking:
Hat with brim
Broken in hiking boots with wicking socks
Pants (removable leggings) or shorts and something windproof for legs.
Daypack containing:
10 essentials
1-2 liters of water
Polar fleece or light jacket
Light waterproof rain parka
Lightweight gloves for warmth
Sunscreen, chapstick
Medicine for headache and stomach ache
Snacks – high protein (granola, trail mix, jerky, power bars, etc.)
Camera (optional)
How to Prepare:
Get in shape! The better shape you are in the higher your chances are of making the summit. Any activity is good, but especially biking, hiking and running.
Start drinking lots of fluids 1 to 2 days before the hike; the more the better!! This does not mean soda!
Eat a high carb meal such as pasta the night before and bananas the morning of the hike.
Drink and snack frequently during the hike and before you feel hungry or thirsty
One or more of the boys might decide to turn around and that’s ok. Climbing 14ers is hard!
Any other questions please let Mr. Buckingham know.
July and August Camping Trips
June 20 by Troop Webmaster
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In the coming weeks and months, Troop 88 has several camping opportunities. Below are some of them to watch for more information.
Camp Christopher Dobbins – Peaceful Valley
Driving Directions
Want to know what’s happening? Check out the leader’s guide!
If you have more questions, contact Mr. Rose via email.
Camp Cherry Valley – Catalina Island, California
Camp Website
Are you doing the Island Adventure? Here’s the program guide!
How about the hiking? Here’s a map for the hike.
Don’t want to get lost while you’re there? Here’s a map of the entire camp!
Backpacking Trip to Boulder Lakes – Silverthorne, CO area
For those of you who love to pack it in and camp, watch for more information on the Lower and Upper Boulder Lakes backpacking trip.
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Johnson have been talking about some of the logistics. Stay tuned for more details.
Want to know a little about the hike? Here’s a topo map to look over.
Here’s some more information on the trail.
14er Hike and Camping – Location To Be Announced
Have you heard about the 14er hikes the Troop does the second weekend in August? Are you ready to ascend to the top of a mountain?
Mr. Buckingham will be putting together another awesome event for the Troop. Watch for more information to come!
Upper Platte River Camping and Fly fishing
The last weekend in August is a great opportunity to go camping, plant some trees to restore the forest and do some fly fishing!
The Coalition for the Upper Platte River is doing forest restoration to help restore what the fires burned. Troop 88 is going to be part of that effort.
More information will be coming on this trip but you can visit the Coalition’s website in the mean time.
One more thing – when we do go on campouts, you have to have your medical forms completed. Instead of me trying to explain what form is needed for which campouts, please use the link below to the Dever Area Council’s site that has a great explanation on what you need when.
DAC Health Forms Information
A-Basin Campout
February 10 by Troop Webmaster
Filed under Camping
It is that time of year again to get ready for the 3rd annual A-Basin skiing, snowboard, winter camping, and just all out fun weekend! This year it will be on March 1-3. We will drive up Friday evening and then ski both Saturday and Sunday, returning Sunday evening. This event is open to all scouts and their friends and families. You may come the whole time (preferred) or just for one day (transportation is up to you). Again A-Basin is giving us some screaming deals. If your scout is interested, Mr. Johnson will also be running a Snow sport merit badge class on Saturday if anyone is interested.
Mr. Johnson will follow up next week with a detailed itinerary but here are some of the plans so far. Camping in the Last Chance Parking lot on Friday and Saturday. Free skiing and snow sport MB on Saturday. Pizza party and short safety talk by the Ski patrol, Saturday night. Maybe Bonn fire and dutch oven desert after dinner. On Sunday, we will have a photo scavenger hunt throughout the mountain. A Troop 88 cookout at the “beach” for lunch that day also.
The link to the spreadsheet below has three pages. The first page is the pricing. The second page is a medical waver for the ski patrol that says they can help you if you get hurt. This must be filled out for everyone skiing. The third page is a waver only if you are renting ski equipment or a snowboard from A-Basin.
In addition to that, you will need a BSA medical form for anyone camping. Also, any adults camping must have a current Youth Protection Training on record.
The Pizza party and the slope side grill cookout for lunch on Sunday will cost $12.00 per person for both. Other meals you can do on your own. A-basin will give you a 15% discount on all food and beverage if you show your Troop 88 neckerchief before they ring up your food.
To get all these great discounts A-Basin requires us to sign up as a group with one payment. Therefore everyone must submit forms and money by 2/27/2013, so please plan ahead.
Backpacking Trip to Lower Boulder Lake
July 25 by Troop Webmaster
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Backpacking trip to Lower Boulder Lake in the Eagle Nest wilderness area by Silverthorne on Aug 25 and 26th.
This hike is for both the beginner backpacker and for any scout that wants to go. Families are welcome. The 2.7 mile hike is rated easy to moderate. We will leave the Park and Ride by McDonald’s off of Lincoln and Jordon at 8:00, so be there by 7:45. If any parents can drive, please indicate it the email. If you can take a boy or two, let me know that as well.
To prepare the scouts new to backpacking for this trip, There will be a Backpacking 101 class on Tue, August 14th at 6:30. We’ll cover how to pack, the use of a light weight stove, cooking, purifying water, safety and other “101” items. Bring your stove and water purifier if you have one.
The next troop meeting after that, Aug 21, we will have a breakout for all scouts going. At this meeting, we will collect BSA Medical forms and Activity forms. Tent buddies will also be determined. For the new scouts and those new to backpacking, please bring your packed backpack as if you were leaving that night. We will use this time for review.
Link for the Activity consent Form:
Link of a blog of the hike:
Please contact Mr. Moncier with any questions.
14er Climb
July 15 by Troop Webmaster
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Depart- Friday Aug 10th 5:30pm from Park and Ride Lincoln and Jordan (Wear your Class A’s)
Hike- Saturday Aug 11th
Return- Sunday August 12th around noonish.
Grays Peak 14,270’ and Torrey’s Peak 14,267’
Distance: 8.25 miles
Elevation gain: 3,600ft
Location: (Up I -70 past Georgetown)
Route info:
What to wear hiking:
-Hat with brim
-Broken in hiking boots with wicking socks
-Hiking pants with removable leggings or something windproof for lower body
-Daypack containing:
-10 essentials
-1-2 liters of water
-Polar fleece
-Light rain proof parka
-Lightweight gloves for warmth
-Medicine for headache and stomach ache
-Snacks-high protein (granola, trail mix, jerky, candy bars, etc)
-Camera (optional)
-Treking poles (optional)
We will be camping 2 nights (location still being determined) so please bring your normal overnight gear which includes but is not limited to: tent, sleeping bag, toiletry items and bug spray, etc. If you do not wish to camp both nights you are still welcome to come hike with us on Saturday, however, you will need to make your own ride arrangements. The last mile or so up to the trail head requires a higher clearance SUV, but not 4wheel drive.
How to Prepare:
-Get in shape! I know the hike is just around the corner but the better shape you are in the higher your chances are of making the summit. Any activity is good, biking, hiking, running, playing sports.
-1-2 day before the hike start drinking lots of fluids, the more the better!! (not soda).
-Eat a high carb meal such as pasta the night before and bananas the morning of the hike.
-Drink frequently during the hike and before you feel thirsty
-It might very well turn out that one or more of the boys decides to turn around and that’s ok, climbing 14ers is hard!
Boys Life?!
There is a rumor that Boys Life Magazine might send a photographer along to document our hike for a possible future story in the magazine!! I will keep everyone posted on if this rumor is true or not.
Questions Please contact
Alan Buckingham
Farewell to Summer Boating Event
July 8 by Troop Webmaster
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Farewell to Summer Boating Event
August 18th, 2012
10am – 4pm
Chatfield Gravel Pond
For more info contact Gary Souza @ 303-875-4541
Upper Cataract Lake and Eaglesmere Lake Backpacking
June 6 by Troop Webmaster
Filed under Camping, Events
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Mr. Moncier and I have started to plan a trip for June 29,30 and July 1.
This will be an intermediate level hike consisting of 15 miles and two separate nights of camping (this mets the requirements of the backpacking MB). Please don’t sign up if you are new to backpacking, a beginner, or not physically fit to do the 15 miles. There will be a backpacking 101 offered later in the summer.
We will be camping at Upper Cataract Lake and Eaglesmere Lake in the Eagles Nest wilderness area. We will leave early Friday morning and return Sunday evening. More details to follow.
I will have a sign up sheet at the next couple of meetings or you can e-mail me if you can’t make the meetings. I would like to have at least 4 adults going and of course we will always need drivers/seat belts. Also depending on the response we may have to limit the size, since it is in a wilderness area, so don’t sign up unless you are sure you can go and make it the whole way.
It should be a lot of fun! Its a beautiful area and the fishing is not bad!
Email Mr. Johnson or Mr. Moncier for questions.