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Troop 88 Meeting Notes

May 16, 2023


6:30pm Opening flags
6:35pm Opening announcements - troop elections job descriptions, Court of Honor on June 6 at Parker library - elections will be the same night too.
6:45pm Glen Aspen camping breakout. Be prepared for rainy weather - bring the right shoes, raingear. Food will be pancakes/bacon, grilled cheese, leftover dinner stuff from Sand Dunes, oatmeal
6:55pm Lost Creek backpacking trip breakout. Only bring 30% of your body weight in your backpack, 6 full meals & snacks (5oz food bags), full mess kit, extra socks, backpacking sleeping bag
7:25pm Activity - first aid game
7:55pm Announcements - please check summer camp merit badge list. Parker Days - we need at least one shift filled by each Scout
8pm Closing flags

Your Scribe, 

Marten Muller



May 02, 2023


6:30pm Opening flags
6:35pm Orienteering overview
7:00pm Orienteering activity
7:20pm Closing flags
7:40pm Canvas tent setup/breakdown for storage


Your Scribe,
Marten Muller



August 2021


Tenderfoot Requirements

Over the next few weeks Kim Gabbert will be pulling together our new scouts to help lead them through Tenderfoot requirements.  Please be sure to have our new scouts attending the next several weeks.


New Scout Recruiting

Parker's BSA Troops will be hosting a new scout recruiting event on Sept 9 in the PEPC Parking lot.  I'd love to have T88 representation there.  I'll bring the troop trailer but will need volunteers to be present to talk with potential new scouts.  If you are interested in helping out with this please email me.


Potential Future Campouts

We're looking for adult leaders who would be willing to help lead future campouts.  If there are any parents who are willing to help lead a campout or other activity please reach out to me or Sam.  If you might be interested but are nervous, don't worry - we have folks who can help out.


Flag Retirements

Thank you Colin and team for leading the troop through a flag retirement ceremony tonight.  You all did great!  We have several dozen more flags that need to be retired.  Alan Woodruff will have them available at the next Troop Meeting.  If boys want to take a flag home to retire with the respect due Old Glory the scout can earn one hour Community Service.


Adult Leaders Help

Over the next three months I will likely not be able to attend troop meetings very often and when I do make it I anticipate being late.  Colin F. (SPL) and I would like to organize a calendar of activities for the boys to be engaged in.  The big thing we want to do over the next few months is coach our youngest scouts through Tenderfoot and Second Class rank requirements and help them earn some merit badges that they missed out on with the summer camp debacle.


Here's my ask: 


I need an adult to help volunteer to help lead merit badge classes over the next few months.  We can do these in short sessions over a few weeks or in a Troop 88 Merit badge College.  Here are some of the the merit badges we think we'd like to get completed:

  • First Aid

  • Emergency Preparation

  • Orienteering

  • Environmental Science

  • Family Life

  • Citizenship in the Community

  • Citizenship in the Community

  • Citizenship in the Nation

  • Citizenship in the World

  • Other merit badges in an area of personal interest for you and/or our scouts.

A complete list of Merit Badges with links to the requirements can be found at BSA Merit Badge Website


Please email me if you are willing to help lead a merit badge.  


I will also need a few adults to volunteer to be "in charge" of meetings when Sam and I are unable to be there.  If you are willing to help out with this please let me know.


We currently do not have a campout scheduled for


Feb Troop Meeting Notes:


I will be leading a breakout after the next troop meeting (02/23) to discuss the upcoming high adventure trip to Yellowstone in July of 2021.  It has come time to finalize the participants and a deposit ($250) will be due in mid-March for the trip.  I have attached the itinerary for the upcoming trip for your use/reference that I will be reviewing/discussing as part of the breakout.



Chris Hudson - ASM


Scribe Notes: Feb 2021

From Cooper:

Troop 88's February campout happened this weekend (February 19-21, 2021) at Cherry Creek State Park.  15 scouts attended the campout and activities and a couple Webelos visited.  Some scouts went on a 5 mile hike.  Other scouts went on a 12 mile mountain bike ride.  We also led an Orienteering course for the Webelos and played Capture the Flag.  Six scouts earned their Camping Merit Badge over the weekend and a couple other scouts finished a few other merit badges and rank requirements.  Congratulations to the following Scouts for earning a Rank Advancement this weekend:

Namir Ahmed - Tenderfoot
Zach Furry - Tenderfoot
Cassidy Moeller- Tenderfoot
Lars Muller - Second Class
Eric Robyn-Hardy - First Class
Cooper Knight - Star

It was a super fun weekend.  We were able to have a fire, which kept us warm when it snowed more than 3" overnight.  Don't miss the next campout, Troop88!



Online Troop Meeting


A Zoom account is not required. A webcam is not required.  Just click on the link below to connect your computer.  It will ask you to download an application if you have not used Zoom before.  You can connect video and voice by computer, or video by computer and voice by telephone, or just voice by telephone. PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE WHEN YOU JOIN THE MEETING and then UNMUTE for the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Outdoor Code.

Class A Uniform please.


Topic: Troop 88 Virtual Meeting

This is the PLC for any questions regarding their fields feel free to reach out to them.


 PLC members:

  SPL - David LaPaglia

  ASPL - Nick Messick

  ASPL - Cody Shank

  Historian - Jonah Vigil

  Quartermaster - Beau Tomsic

  Scribe - Josiah Vigil

  Chaplain’s Aid - Ethan Dean

  Bugler - Alexander Sherrer

  WebMaster - Ben (new to 88. Getting his info)

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